Previous studies show that online course design in China leaves much to be desired in terms of incentive mechanisms. Problems include monotonous interface, boring learning activities, no sense of belo
Jerry认为洛杉矶对他风格影响非常多。在洛杉矶的着装风格,你希望一天都是穿着舒适的,你希望所穿的服装是符合你一天的生活方式的。洛杉矶的穿衣文化在我看来是用最大可能的努力让自己看起来不努力。 JerrvLorenzo这个名字在街头服饰界已经颇有名望,他的个人品牌Fear of God是年轻人心中的新热门。在和Nike联手推出的第一个Nike Air Fear of God合作系列中,他却把怀旧这
David Katz was upset by all the plastic going into the ocean. To help solve the problem, he had an unusual idea—to treat 1.___________ like money. Mr Katz called his idea the “Plastic Bank”. Though M