千佛之城 千篇美景

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  Lungi skirts 笼基筒裙
  Pagodas 宝塔
  The Bagan Kingdom 蒲甘王国
  Thanaka ground bark 特纳卡树皮粉(黄香楝树磨的粉,据说能够防晒和美容)
  Bagan, Yangon, Mandalay,Inle Lake, 巴干,仰光,曼德勒,茵莱湖
  Sulamani Pahto 苏拉玛尼佛塔
  Bagan Thande Hotel 蒲甘酒店
  Bagan Thiripyitsaya Sanctuary Resort 蒲甘帝日皮伊萨亚保护区度假酒店

  Nyaung U has an array of cheap, clean and good-quality hostels and guest houses, while Old Bagan boasts some of the best accommodation in Bagan, with river views and easy access to ancient pagodas and temples.
  Bagan Thande Hotel:
  Inside Old Bagan, Bagan Thande Hotel sits on the east bank of Irrawaddy River, within walking distance of the Archaeological Museum. Its restaurant is housed in a pavilion built for the visit of Britain’s Prince of Wales - later King Edward VIII - in 1922.
  Bagan Thiripyitsaya Sanctuary Resort:
  This resort offers a range of four-room bungalowstyle duplexes with wooden decking. There’s also a huge pool and a well-tended Japanese-style courtyard. Meals are served on a terrace overlooking the Irrawaddy. Highlights include a soothing Myanmar massage.
  Almost all my friends thought I was insane when I told them I was going to Myanmar on vacation. “Is it dangerous?”was the question I kept hearing. In the eyes of many Chinese people, the southeast Asian country is most often associated with drug trafficking, domestic riots and poverty.
  But perceptions can be misleading. For Myanmar - formerly Burma - which shares borders with the ancient civilizations India and China and was a British colony, is a cultural gem.
  And as the country has sought to encourage tourism in recent years, it is attracting growing numbers of visitors. Last year, Myanmar featured among the top 10 travel destinations chosen by media organizations such as Lonely Planet and CNN.
  According to recent figures, the country received 260,000 visits from foreigners from January to October last year - a year-on-year rise of almost 50 percent.
  Foreign visitors are flocking to Myanmar to savor its idyllic - and still not over-developed - beauty spots. In many parts of Myanmar tradition still holds sway: men wear lungi skirts knotted around the waist; women carry fruit and vegetables on their heads and apply thanaka ground bark to protect them from the sun.
  And I was also attracted by a claim in a travel journal that,“if there are any places in the world where people would chase you all the way just to return your wallet with no charge, Myanmar is one of them.”   As dawn broke on the horizon, the sleeping city of Bagan started to awaken. The forms of numerous pagodas scattered over the vast red earth plain gradually emerged from the morning mist. This breathtaking sunrise in “the city of ten thousand pagodas,” reminded me - and perhaps many other Chinese - of “Spring South of the Yangtze River,” a poem by Tang Dynasty (AD 618–907) poet Du Mu (AD 803-852).
  This describes the 480 temples of the Southern Dynasty(AD 420-589) seemingly suspended in early spring rain mist.
  The Southern Dynasty has long disappeared into history and those temples no longer exist. Yet Du Mu’s poetic scene is magically brought back to life here in Bagan.
  Stretching along the left bank of the middle reaches of the Irrawaddy River, Bagan, together with Yangon, Mandalay and Inle Lake, are the “big four” beguiling destinations in Myanmar.
  Today, more than 2,000 are still standing, some following years of renovation. Along with Angkor Wat in Cambodia and Borobudur in Indonesia, Bagan is one of southeast Asia’s three greatest ancient temple and pagoda complexes.
  However, it is the only one of the three still awaiting recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  One reason why the United Nations organization vetoed Bagan’s application is because it said development, including a golf course, a six-star resort and a viewing tower, damaged the integrity of the ancient city.
  One of the best ways to get a taste of Bagan’s landscape is by hot-air balloon. Just before dawn and before sunset, balloons take off from Nyang U for an enchanting bird’s-eye view.
  The 45-minute “Balloon over Bagan” flight costs around US$300. Travel agencies may get a discount.
  Bagan’s historic structures, though mostly made of brick with clay mortar, plastered with stucco, vary in scale and design. They can be divided into five basic types: stupas, temples, monasteries, ordination halls and libraries. However, large numbers of Bagan’s historic structures are closed to visitors.
  An ideal Bagan trip ends with watching the sun go down. There’s a saying among tourists there: “If you only stay in Bagan for one day, go watch the sunset in Shwesandaw Paya; If you can stay in Bagan for two days, go watch the sunset again in Shwesandaw Paya.” The five-story pagoda is crowded around sunset and the stairs steep, so leave plenty time.
  Bupaya is a quieter option. The gourd-shaped gilded pagoda was rebuilt after the 1975 earthquake sent it tumbling into the river.
两座湖,一座城,五千年文明孕育出上海最美的优氧环境。62万平方公里淀山湖瑰丽风景,800亩大淀湖微波荡漾,在自然的顶端最大极限地接近生活本源。淀山湖以一种独特的姿态向每一位友人张开了双臂。  “湖水静静地横在下面。水底现出一个蓝天和一轮皓月。天空嵌着鱼鳞似的一片一片的白云。水面浮起一道月光,月光不停地流动。对面是繁密的绿树,树后隐约地现出来假山和屋脊。这一切都静静地睡了。树丛中只露出几点星子似的灯
下午5点来到上海卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店,正好赶上独有的点香仪式。静坐下来,并沉入其中。  一阵铃铛的清脆,吸引大家的目光,只见三个身穿汉服的仕女缓缓走来。两盏灯笼,两盏茶杯,茶杯里放着酥油蜡烛和香灰,点亮了大堂中央那座古色古香的亭子。  登亭,拱手行礼。点起第一支香,右手抬起示香,行齐眉礼后插入香炉。再第二支、第三支,却把香插入副香炉——卧香炉中,由两位仕女分别从左右两侧护送卧香炉到大堂两侧的香案上。
神 级停车场  驾车到宜山路桂林路的时候正是当午,神旺大酒店金光闪闪的主建筑据说已经不止一次被人吐槽了,门口处一个旺仔的雕像,隔着很远就看到了。大概是因为酷热难耐,门童都跑去纳凉了,没人为我们指引。车子绕了一圈之后才循着指示牌找到了停车场,服务岗里的保安大叔精神萎靡,在我们取停车卡有些费劲的时候,大叔还是毅然趴在亭子里选择视而不见,扣5分先。  “凌乱,停车场,还是露天的!!!”本就不大的停车场上
四扇旋转门,从任何一扇进入,客人立刻感到二十世纪三十年代鼎盛时期的风范。叹为观止的八角形彩色玻璃天顶让自然天光恢宏撒落,几十年来被石膏板尘封的夹层,重现昔日辉煌,极富装饰艺术感。整个酒店的装饰性花纹雕刻再次提醒人们这座酒店的传奇过往。  大堂的旁边,酒店底层马赛克大理石地板重现了集众多知名品牌旗舰店于一身的名店廊风貌。在修缮之前,这一区域曾被分割给数个不同的公司办公。如今,公众终于可以体验到192
多年前,热播都市剧《爱情公寓》第一部中,学成归国的陆展博在机场巧遇出走并躲避保镖追踪的富家千金林宛瑜,两人粗心大意,毫无社会经验,本想去市区投靠展博的姐姐,却不知不觉中上了一辆开往郊区的巴士,两个小时后才发现已经迷失在人烟稀少的乡村公路边,那里是上海浦东临港滴水湖。如果是在今天,他们大可不必匆匆返回市区,滴水湖畔的滴水湖皇冠假日酒店恰恰可以成为他们最好的避世之所。  行车驶离A2高速滴水湖出口,沿
我行过吕宋半岛中部油绿稻田和茂密甘蔗林,远远望见伫立山巅的巨型十字架,便晓得巴丹省到了,那是二战时为国家尊严而牺牲个人荣耀的七万多战俘的纪念物,撼天动地。  东临马尼拉湾,西为南中国海,吕宋中部的巴丹半岛因为二战时期的“巴丹死亡行军”著名,也因为全菲律宾唯一一座从未启用的核电站蜚声国际。  农人正在田间劳作,水牛慢条斯理吃下一蓬草,然后扭头看着站在自己背上的那只乌鸦。这一带叫做巴呷克(Bagac)