台湾开始有尿毒症患者服用尿毒清冲剂是自1988年起,至今约2年半。据非正式统计,到目前为止约有500人服用过此药。兹将笔者应用尿毒清冲剂治疗的50例报告如下。 一般资料 50例患者中男36例,女14例;年龄16~84岁,均属中医脾肾两虚型。分为A、B两组,A组42例为未经血透者,平均日尿量在1000ml以上,尿素氮12.50~35.7mmol/L,肌酐265.2~884μmol/L,其中19例超声波显示双肾巾度萎缩。B组8例,5例每周血透3次,平均日尿量500ml左右,3例每周血透2次,平均日尿量800ml左右;以上均去除可逆因素。 用药方法 每日3~5小包,根据病情轻重按时
Taiwan began uremia patients taking uremic Qingqing agent since 1988, so far about 2 and a half years. According to informal statistics, about 500 people have taken this medicine so far. I will apply uremic Qing Chong treatment of 50 cases are as follows. General information 50 patients, 36 males and 14 females; aged 16 to 84 years old, are both spleen and kidney deficiency type. Divided into A, B two groups, 42 cases in group A without hemodialysis, the average daily urine output in more than 1000ml, urea nitrogen 12.50 ~ 35.7mmol / L, creatinine 265.2 ~ 884μmol / L, of which 19 cases of bilateral renal tuberculosis ultrasound Degree of shrinkage. B group of 8 cases, 5 cases of hemodialysis three times a week, the average daily urine output of about 500ml, 3 cases of hemodialysis twice a week, the average daily urine output of about 800ml; Medication daily 3 to 5 packets, according to severity of the disease on time