3Z-8型中耕除草机由北京市海淀区农业机械研究所研制,并于1989年12月通过市级鉴定。 1.用途及适用范围 3Z-8型中耕除草机主要用于大白菜、果类菜等蔬菜作物的行间中耕除草,也可用于棉花、玉米等大田作物的行间中耕除草。该机适应于苗高不超过250毫米、行距不超过548~620毫米、土壤比阻不大于0.5千克力/厘米~2、土壤含水率不大于30%的条件下使用。
3Z-8 type cultivator weeding machine developed by the Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Haidian District, Beijing, and in December 1989 passed the municipal appraisal. 1. Uses and Scope of Application 3Z-8 type cultivator weeding machine is mainly used for cabbage and fruit vegetables and other vegetable crops in the line of cultivation and weeding, but also can be used for cotton, corn and other field crops in the cultivation of weeds. The machine is suitable for seedlings not more than 250 mm, line spacing does not exceed 548 ~ 620 mm, soil specific resistance is not greater than 0.5 kgf / cm ~ 2, the soil moisture content of not more than 30% of the conditions.