“毋忘团结奋斗,致力振兴中华!” 这是多年来激励全国各族人民团结奋斗,进行社会主义现代化建设的响亮口号。这个口号曾被新闻媒介广泛宣传,被书写张贴或刷制在城乡显著街道口的墙壁上。有些年,就连中央开会的会场里,也挂过这两句口号。 团结奋斗,振兴中华。这是炎黄子
“Do not forget to unite and strive to rejuvenate China!” This is the slogan that has inspired the people of all nationalities in the country to work hard in unity and carry out the socialist modernization over the years. This slogan was widely publicized by the media and was written or brushed on the walls of prominent urban and rural streets. In some years, even these two slogans were hung in the meeting place of the Central Government. Unite to struggle, revitalize China. This is the inflammation of the kidneys