This article describes 1 case of AIDS manifested as acute glaucoma. Patients were male homosexuals, 30 years old, binocular painless blurred vision, vision can not be corrected one week admission. Past vision can be corrected, no other eye history. Drugs, surgery has no special history. Check: binocular visual acuity 5/400, Jr.1 / 5cm, corrected visual acuity 20/25 (-7.00DS), the pupil light reaction was normal, intraocular pressure measured intraocular pressure: both eyes were 38mmHg. Slit lamp examination: double conjunctival edema, mild hyperemia, clear cornea, anterior chamber very shallow, right eye aqueous humor cell response. Fundus examination: binocular mild congestion, C / D = 0.1, arterial walking curve, the inner retinal folds, no bleeding, left eye optic disc