由新疆水产研究所承担的《池沼公鱼在新疆大水面移殖推广》科研课题,于1995年5月18日在阜康市天池通过专家验收。 1989年4月首次从吉林省引进池沼公鱼发眼卵(受精卵)1亿粒投放在乌鲁木齐市柴窝堡湖内。1991年春发现有池沼公鱼群体新一代,至1993年共捕获成鱼38.5吨,并向博斯腾湖、乌伦古湖、天池、塘巴湖水库、石城子水库等水体投放池沼公鱼受精卵2.63亿粒,共捕捞成鱼42.2吨。1994——1995年间,又向赛里木湖、克拉玛依水库等水体投放受精卵4.25亿粒,捕捞139.4吨。先后共推广移殖水面达381万亩。 专家组认为该课题组提供的《池沼公鱼在新疆大水面移殖推广课题总结》和《博斯腾湖池沼公鱼移殖研究》二篇报告,内容详细,数据可靠,对各移殖推广水体进行了调查模底,曾举办二期池沼公鱼培训班,多次组织人员进行移殖推广,作了大量的工作,成绩显著,社会效益明显,为全区水产养殖业又增添了一个新的优良品种。
Xinjiang Fisheries Research Institute assumed the “pond marsh fish in Xinjiang flood surface migration promotion” research project, in May 18, 1995 in Fukang Tianchi by experts acceptance. In 1989 April for the first time from Jilin Province to introduce pool marsh fish eye (fertilized egg) 100000000 put in Chaiwopuhu Lake in Urumqi. The spring of 1991 found a new generation of marsh mandarin fish group, to capture a total of 38.5 tons of adult fish in 1993, and to Bositeng Lake, Wulungu Lake, Tianchi, Tongba Lake Reservoir, Shichengzi Reservoir and other ponds put marsh fish fertilized eggs 263 million Grain, a total of 42.2 tons of fish caught. During 1994-1995, 425 million fertilized eggs were also thrown into Selimu Lake and Karamay reservoirs to catch 139.4 tons of fish. Has promoted a total of 381 acres of water surface. According to the report of the expert group, “summary of the project of promoting reproduction of large ponds by marsh marsh in Xinjiang” and “research on the migration of male fish in the ponds of Bosten Lake” were provided by the research group. Detailed contents and reliable data were obtained. At the end of the investigation, there were two classes of training classes in ponds and marsupials, and many personnel were organized to promote and transplant them. Much work was done with remarkable achievements and obvious social benefits, adding a new fine variety to the aquaculture industry in the region .