瑞士施拉特公司谘询工程师孔兹、铁路部门经理奈贝尔和施威格勒,应我国际贸易促进委员会的邀请,来我国进行整流式钢轨接触焊机技术座谈。我方参加座谈会的人员有铁道部科学研究院,一机部上海电焊机厂,上海、广州、北京铁路局、部科技情报所等单位共12人。座谈从3月24日开始,至3月31日结束,共进行了九次。瑞士施拉特公司成立于191 6年,已有50多年历史,是专门制造电焊机的工厂,在国际上享有一定声誉。这次瑞方介绍的GAas80型钢轨接触焊机,是该公司1973年产品,系欧美高生产率固定式钢轨焊机
Khonz, consulting engineer at Schlatter in Switzerland, Nebel and Schwewler, railway department managers, came to China to conduct seminars on the technology of rectifying rail contact welders at the invitation of the International Trade Promotion Committee. We attended the seminar staff of the Ministry of Railways, Science Institute, a welding machine factory in Shanghai, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing Railway Bureau, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other units a total of 12 people. The discussion began on March 24 and ended on March 31, for a total of nine times. Switzerland Shi Laite company was founded in 1961, has 50 years of history, is specialized in manufacturing welding machine factory, enjoy a certain reputation in the world. The Swiss-introduced GAAS80 rail contact welding machine, is the company’s products in 1973, Europe and the United States Department of high productivity fixed rail welder