提起剧团改革,有的同志往往只想到改革剧团的经营管理,改革人员建制上的不合理及经济分配上的大锅饭。这当然是极为重要的一个方面,可是也不能忽视改革之中的戏剧创作这一大问题。有的剧团在改革中不花大力气抓创作,有的甚至为了节省开支,减轻经济负担,连编剧也不要了,名曰:“精简机构。”不要编剧,演出剧目又从何而来呢? 笔者听到过这样一件怪事:有个A剧团编演了一出现代戏,每天演出两场,接连数月,上座率提高,
Talking about the reform of the troupe, some comrades often only think of the management of the reform of the troupe, unreasonable reform of the personnel establishment and the economic dispatch. This of course is an extremely important aspect, but we can not ignore the big issue of drama creation in the process of reform. Some theaters did not devote much effort to the creation of reforms in the course of reform. Some even reduced their financial burdens and even refused to write screenplay. The name was “Simplifying the Organization.” Do not writers and comedians come from? I have heard such a strange thing: there is a drama company A drama, a performance twice a day, after another several months, attendance increased,