自苏联解体俄罗斯成为独立国家以来,就陷入了旷日持久的经济危机,这场危机具有全面性、深刻性和滞胀性的特点,导致生产大幅度下降,通货膨胀居高不下,人民生活水平急剧下降,收入差距明显拉大,失业人数猛烈增加,经济犯罪接连不断,各种丑恶现象到处蔓延。 早在1990年,原苏联国民生产就开始由低速增长转为负增长。1991年国民生产继续下降,1992年俄联邦国民生产进一步出现全面下降的局面。1994年则是俄罗斯工农业生产下降最严重的一年,比1933年下降16%。 据俄罗斯科学院预测,1995年俄罗斯的国民总产值将继续下降,一般认为,俄罗斯经济形势在今后两年内难以改观。
Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia became an independent nation, it has plunged into a protracted economic crisis characterized by its comprehensiveness, profoundness and stagflation. This has led to a drastic drop in production, high inflation, a drastic decline in people’s living standards, The gap widened significantly, the number of unemployed people increased violently, economic crimes were one after another, and various ugly phenomena spread everywhere. As early as 1990, the national production of the former Soviet Union began to shift from low-speed growth to negative growth. In 1991, the national production continued to decline. In 1992, the national production of the Russian Federation further declined in an all-round way. 1994 was the worst year for Russia’s industrial and agricultural production, down 16% from 1933. According to Russian Academy of Sciences forecast, in 1995 the gross national product of Russia will continue to decline, generally believed that Russia’s economic situation in the next two years is difficult to change.