This directly coupled absolute value circuit has low input bias current, high input impedance and the ability to drive a 2.5V (50Ω load). Transistor Q1 buffers the input for high input impedance and shifts the input current through R_ (10) Level to match the input of the high-current gain transistor Q2 and the unity-gain phase-changer consisting of R_4, R_7, R_8, R_9 and R_ 11. The input bias current passes through R_1 and R_2 without flowing through the input source. At the input voltage, R_3 and R_ (10) on Q1 and Q3 form a zero-bias voltage follower, and the inverter turns Q4 off. At the negative input voltage, Q3 turns off and the inverter drives its output through Q4, As well as Vout = | Vin |.