介绍了飞行器在地球大气层外的主要辐射 ,给出了飞行器反射背景辐射强度空间分布的计算方法 ,并运用计算机对距地面几百千米的某圆锥形飞行器中午和晚上在 3~ 5 μm和 8~ 14μm波段内辐射强度的空间分布进行了数值计算 ,得到了合理的结果。
The main radiation outside the Earth’s atmosphere is introduced. The calculation method of the spatial distribution of the reflected background radiation intensity of the aircraft is given. By using a computer, a certain conic aircraft several hundred kilometers away from the ground is measured at noon and night at 3 ~ 5 μm and 8 The spatial distribution of the radiation intensity in ~ 14μm band was numerically calculated and the reasonable results were obtained.