《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》规定 ,食品生产经营者必须取得卫生许可证后方可从事食品生产经营活动 ,无证生产经营 ,应予以取缔 ,没收违法所得并处以罚款。国家卫生部发布的《食品卫生行政处罚办法》和浙江省人大常委会公布的《浙江省实施〈中华人民共和国食品卫生法〉办法》
According to the “Food and Sanitation Law of the People’s Republic of China”, food production and business operators must engage in food production and business activities only after they have obtained a health license. Unlicensed production and operation should be banned, illegal proceeds confiscated and a fine imposed. The “Measures for Administrative Punishment in Food Hygiene” promulgated by the Ministry of Health and the “Measures for Implementing the Food Hygiene Law of the People’s Republic of China in Zhejiang Province” promulgated by the Standing Committee