
来源 :儿童发展研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vanechin
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遵循幼儿的生理特点和绘画特点,探究幼儿园大班线描画教学中的多学科融合教学方法,创建了“其它相关学科支撑美术主体的多学科融合”一种新的线描画教学模式。在分析了多学科融合的线描画教学的重要性和教学特点的基础上,探索了新的线描画教学模式的组织与实施,以实现幼儿全面发展和可持续发展的目标。 Follow the physiological characteristics of young children and the characteristics of painting, to explore multi-disciplinary integration of teaching methods in the teaching of kindergarten passers-by, create a “multi-disciplinary integration of art subjects in other related disciplines ” a new line drawing teaching mode. Based on the analysis of the importance and teaching characteristics of multi-disciplinary line drawing teaching, this paper explores the organization and implementation of a new line drawing teaching model in order to achieve the goal of all-round development and sustainable development of children.
一、也有要抵抗的    八旗驻防制度,是清朝入主中原之后确立的,用以监视汉人、控制四方的祖制。八旗这群闲人,在辛亥革命的时候,有了大麻烦。革命党人的革命,在当初就是排满。宣传的时候,杀气腾腾,似乎恨不得食满肉,寝满皮,报“扬州十日”、“嘉定三屠”之仇。革命到来,市面风传,革命党白盔白甲,替崇祯皇帝戴孝,要杀光所有的满人。所以,八旗驻防之地,尤其是那些位于都市之中的满城,没法不恐慌。  总不能让人家