
来源 :黑龙江画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:borinz
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从羊年的腊月二十三开始,到猴年的二月二结束,黑龙江省博物馆“黑土地上迎新春,博物馆里过大年”主题系列活动完美落幕,40天里前来参加活动的市民和外地游客超过16万人。近年来,黑龙江省博物馆逐步加大了对传统民俗文化的展示与宣传力度,并以新颖独特的方式对中华民族各个传统节日进行全面、深入、创新式地演绎与发掘。自2016年2月1日至3月10日,将“小年、春节、元宵节以及二月二”这四个“过年”过程中重要的传统民俗节日,分为“小年来到扫尘祭灶”“除夕守岁恭贺新春”“火树银花欢 From the twelfth lunar month of the year of the sheep, twenty-three, to the end of February, the year of the monkey year, the theme series activities of Heilongjiang Provincial Museum, ”New Year on the Black Land, Great Year in the Museum“ ended perfectly and 40 days came to participate in the activity More than 160,000 citizens and foreign tourists. In recent years, Heilongjiang Provincial Museum has gradually increased the display and promotion of traditional folk culture, and conducted a comprehensive, in-depth and innovative interpretation and exploration of various traditional festivals of the Chinese nation in a novel and unique way. From February 1 to March 10, 2016, the traditional folk festivals important in the process of ”Chinese New Year“ such as ”Small Year, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and February 2“ are divided into small Years to sweep the dust Festival stove ”“ New Year’s Eve celebration happy New Year ”" Fireworks Silver Flower Huan
摘 要:知识产权侵权虽是一种民事侵权行为,但由于其客体的特殊性,知识产权侵权表现出一系列不同于一般民事侵权的特征。知识产权侵权行为有直接侵权和间接侵权之分,它们在归责原则和损害赔偿责任承担上也体现了与一般民事侵权的差异。  关键词:间接侵权;过错推定;精神损害赔偿  一、知识产权侵权的概念及特征  知识产权侵权行为,是指未经知识产权人许可和法律的许可行使了知识产权人所享有的排他性权利或给权利人的其
In this study,a jet cavitation device aimed at producing two-dimensional nanosheets was designed.The effects of cavitation generator type and jet pressure on th
海林市位于黑龙江省东南部,属山洪易发地区,全市重点受山洪威胁的人口为1.76万人,分布于9个乡镇。2007年,国家防总将海林市列为了全国防山洪试点县(市)。近年来,海 Hailin i
本文主要介绍了套管式燃气辐射管内外的换热过程,从而得出套管式燃气辐射管的外壁温度的计算方法,并通过实验证明了计算方法的可行性. This paper mainly introduces the heat
你对自己身体的了解有多少?现在你可以做一个身体测试,看看结果会不会让你很吃惊。 How much do you know about your body? Now you can do a physical test to see if the