From the twelfth lunar month of the year of the sheep, twenty-three, to the end of February, the year of the monkey year, the theme series activities of Heilongjiang Provincial Museum, ”New Year on the Black Land, Great Year in the Museum“ ended perfectly and 40 days came to participate in the activity More than 160,000 citizens and foreign tourists. In recent years, Heilongjiang Provincial Museum has gradually increased the display and promotion of traditional folk culture, and conducted a comprehensive, in-depth and innovative interpretation and exploration of various traditional festivals of the Chinese nation in a novel and unique way. From February 1 to March 10, 2016, the traditional folk festivals important in the process of ”Chinese New Year“ such as ”Small Year, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and February 2“ are divided into small Years to sweep the dust Festival stove ”“ New Year’s Eve celebration happy New Year ”" Fireworks Silver Flower Huan