大鳍鳢Mystus macropterus(Bleeker)属淡水温水性鱼类,在鱼类分类学上隶属于鲶形目,鲿科,鳠属,地方名:石扁头、挨打头、江鼠等。分布于我国长江和珠江水系的特产经济鲶类。蛋白质、脂肪含量高,营养价值全面,肉质细嫩,味鲜美,无肌间刺,具有较高的食用价值,是产区喜爱的上等水产品。长期以来市场上的大鳍鳠主要来源为江河天然捕捞,随着江河捕捞强度的增大,资源量日趋减少,无法满足市场的需求,现售价已达到50元/kg~100元/ kg,养殖前景广阔。
Mystus macropterus (Bleeker) is a freshwater warm water fish, taxonomic belong to the order of the catfish, clam, raccoon, local name: stone flat head, beaten, river mouse and so on. Distributed in China’s Pearl River and the Yangtze River economic catfish specialty products. Protein, high fat content, full nutritional value, delicate meat, delicious taste, no inter-muscular, with high food value, is the production area favorite fine aquatic products. For a long time, the main source of finfish in the market is natural fishing of rivers. With the increase of fishing intensity of rivers, the amount of resources is decreasing day by day and can not meet the demand of the market. Now the selling price has reached 50 yuan / kg ~ 100 yuan / kg, Breeding prospects.