China's Zinc Smelters Remain Calm after the Rise of Electricity Price

来源 :China Nonferrous Metals Monthly | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dyflovedyf
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After the State’s electricity price adjustments inJune,China’s zinc smelters generally expressedthat the adjustmants are made by the State outof its macro economic control policy and it isinevitable.Since the cost of electricity acountsfor about 20 per cent of the zinc prodiction,therise of the electricity price will certainly putmore pressure on the producers.However,theproducers generally expressed that the effect ofelectricity price rise is limited compared to thepower supply situation.Although the powersupply situation is eased along with the rainyseason in Hunan,Yunnan and Guangxi,most After the State’s electricity price adjustments in Japan, China’s zinc smelters generally expressed as a regulator of goods that the made out the State out of its macro economic control policy and it is as necessary. Since the cost of electricity acounts for about 20 per cent of the zinc prodiction, the ceiling of the electricity price will certainly putmore pressure on the producers. Host, theproducers generally expressed that the effect ofelectricity price rise is limited compared to thepower supply situation.Although the powersupply situation is eased along with the rainyseason in Hunan, Yunnan and Guangxi, most
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