百花竞放 春色满园——提高生本课堂合作小组有效性初探

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生本教育的价值观告诉我们,教学需要全面依靠学生;其内在伦理表现为对学生的高度尊重。将这运用到语文教学实践中,就是让学生在生本课堂中做学习的主人,让他们自主学习、探究学习、互动学习。而生本课堂是采用合作小组学习方式为主的课堂教学模式,通过小组成员以及小组与小组间的合作学习,促进全体学生的共同成长。那么,如何让生本课堂不流于形式,让语文课堂智慧之花朵朵开呢?笔者在平时的教学实践中进行了一系列的尝试 The values ​​of birth education tell us that teaching needs to be fully dependent on students; its internal ethics is manifested as a high respect for students. Applying this to Chinese teaching practice means that students should be the masters of learning in the students’ primary school so as to enable them to study independently, explore and learn and interact with each other. The students in the classroom is the use of cooperative learning group-based classroom teaching model, through the team members and the team and the team to promote the common development of all students. So, how to make students live in the classroom is not a mere formality, so that the wisdom of the Chinese classroom flowers blossoming? I in the usual teaching practice in a series of attempts
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