本文鉴定的八种金枪鱼仔鱼:鲔Euthynnus Yaito Kishinouye,扁舵鲣Auxis thazard(Lacepede)圆舵鲣Auxis fapeinosoma Bleeker舵鲣属Auxis sp(Cuvier),青干金枪鱼Neothunnus tonggol(Bleeker),黄鳍金枪鱼Thunnus albacares(Bonnaterre)金枪鱼Thunnus thynnus(Linne),和鲣Katsuwonus pelamis(Linnaeus)等.它们分布在本渔场的台湾堆及外科渔场周围,分布区水温22.5—29.2℃,盐度22.9—34.7‰,根据仔鱼出现的时间和持续期推算其产卵期:鲔4—9月,扁舵鲣3—9月,圆舵鲣4—8月,舵鲣属4—7月,青干金枪鱼3—7月,鲣6月,黄鳍金枪鱼4月,金枪鱼6、7月’金枪鱼为黑潮指标种,它的出现可作为黑潮暖流支梢流入本渔场的佐证。根据八种仔鱼的分布区及棲息水深、水温和盐度,可作为探索金枪鱼渔场的依据。
Eight species of tuna larvae identified in this paper: Euthynnus Yaito Kishinouye, Auxis thazard (Lacepede) Auxis fapeinosoma Bleeker, Auxis sp (Cuvier), Neothunnus tonggol (Bleeker), Thunnus albacares (Bonneaterre), Thunnus thynnus (Linne) and Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus), etc. They are distributed around the Taiwanese heap and the surgical fishing grounds of this fishery. The water temperature in the distribution area is 22.5-29.2 ℃ and the salinity is 22.9-34.7 ‰. Of the time and duration of its spawning period: 鲔 April-September, flat rudder 鲣 March-September, the rudder 鲣 April-August, the rudder 鲣 is April-July, dried tuna March-July, 鲣June, Yellowfin tuna April, tuna June and July ’Tuna species are indicators of the Kuroshio, and its emergence can be seen as evidence of the flow of Kuroshio supporting stream into this fishery. According to the distribution of eight larvae and habitat depth, water temperature and salinity, can be used as a basis for exploring tuna fisheries.