Melatonin attenuates cisplatin-induced HepG2 cell death via the regulation of mTOR and ERCC1 express

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boji13
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AIM:To elucidate the effects of melatonin on cisplatininduced hepatocellular carcinoma(HepG2) cell death and to identify potential cross-talk pathways.METHODS:Hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells were treated with melatonin and/or cisplatin for 24 to 48 h.Cell viability and the 50% cytotoxic concentration(CC50) were calculated by MTT assays.The effects and intracellular events induced by the selected concentrations of melatonin(1 mmol/L) and cisplatin(20 μmol/L) were investigated.Cell death and survival detection were primarily evaluated using a fluorescence microscope to assess 4’,6 diamideno-2-phenylindol DNA staining and acridine orange lysosome staining and then further analyzed with immunocytochemistry using an anti-LC3 antibody.The potential molecularresponses mediated by melatonin against cisplatin after the combined treatment were investigated by reverse transcription-polymerase chains reaction and Western blot analyses of the genes and proteins associated with cell survival and death.A cell cycle analysis was performed using a flow cytometry assay.RESULTS:Melatonin had a concentration-dependent effect on HepG2 cell viability.At 1 mmol/L,melatonin significantly increased the cell viability percentage and decreased reactive oxygen species production due to cisplatin.Melatonin reduced cisplatin-induced cell death,decreasing phosphorylated p53 apoptotic protein,cleaved caspase 3 and Bax levels but increasing anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 gene and protein expression.When combined with cisplatin,melatonin induced S phase(DNA synthesis) cell cycle arrest and promoted autophagic events in HepG2 cells.Melatonin also had a concentration-dependent effect on Beclin-1 and its autophagic regulator mammalian target of rapamycin(mTOR) as well as the DNA excision repair cross complementary 1(ERCC1) protein.The expression levels of these proteins were altered in HepG2 cells during cisplatin or melatonin treatment alone.In the combination treatment,melatonin reversed the effects of cisplatin by suppressing the over-expression of mTOR and ERCC 1 and enhancing the expression levels of Beclin-1 and microtubule-associated protein-light chain3-Ⅱ,leading to intracellular autophagosome progression.CONCLUSION:Melatonin attenuated cisplatin-induced cell death in HepG2 cells via a counter-balance between the roles of apoptotic- and autophagy-related proteins. AIM: To elucidate the effects of melatonin on cisplatininduced hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell death and to identify potential cross-talk pathways. METHODS: Hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells were treated with melatonin and / or cisplatin for 24 to 48 h. Cell viability and the 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50) were calculated by MTT assays. These effects and intracellular events induced by the selected concentrations of melatonin (1 mmol / L) and cisplatin (20 μmol / L) were investigated. using a fluorescence microscope to assess 4 ’, 6 diamideno-2-phenylindol DNA staining and acridine orange lysosome staining and then further analyzed with immunocytochemistry using an anti-LC3 antibody. The potential molecular responses mediated by melatonin against cisplatin after the combined treatment were investigated by reverse transcription-polymerase chains reaction and Western blot analyzes of the genes and proteins associated with cell survival a nd death. A cell cycle analysis was performed using a flow cytometry assay. Results: Melatonin had a concentration-dependent effect on HepG2 cell viability. At 1 mmol / L, melatonin significantly increased the cell viability percentage and decreased reactive oxygen species production due to Reduced cisplatin-induced cell death, phosphorylated p53 apoptotic protein, cleaved caspase 3 and Bax levels but increasing anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 gene and protein expression .When combined with cisplatin, melatonin induced S phase (DNA synthesis) cell cycle arrest and promoted autophagic events in HepG2 cells. Melatonin also had a concentration-dependent effect on Beclin-1 and its autophagic regulatory mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) as well as the DNA excision repair cross complementary 1 (ERCC1) protein.The expression levels of these proteins were altered in HepG2 cells during cisplatin or melatonin treatment alone. In combination therapy, melatonin reversed effect of c isplatin by suppressing the over-expression of mTOR and ERCC 1 and enhancing the expression levels of Beclin-1 and microtubule-associated protein-light chain3-II, leading to intracellular autophagosome progression. CONCLUSION: Melatonin attenuated cisplatin-induced cell death in HepG2 cells via a counter-balance between the roles of apoptotic- and autophagy-related proteins.
摘 要:小学数学课堂教学生活化要求教师在课堂教学过程中将课本内容与日常生活的实际结合起来,与传统的教学方式不同,生活化的教学对小学生的数学学习有着积极的意义。  关键词:小学数学;课堂教学;生活化  小学数学课堂教学的生活化旨在通过教师在课堂上结合日常生活和课本知识对学生进行引导,指导学生学会运用课本所学的知识去解决日常生活中遇到的实际问题,并能在思想上启迪学生关于知识来源于实践的认识,这种教学方
摘 要:高中生物课堂上普遍存在着学生学习的积极性不高、课堂效率低下的情况,学生的学习成绩也面临着下降的趋势。本文将结合笔者自身的教学经验着重探究如何提高高中生物课堂的教学效率。  关键词:高中生物;学生学习;课堂效率  高中生物是学生学习的一个难点,大量新知识的涌现使得一些学生望而却步,学生在生物学习的过程中倍感吃力,逐渐丧失了对生物学习的兴趣。然而一些教師在实际的生物教学过程中仍然采用传统单向灌
摘 要:新课程标准下,要求教师不但要传授给学生知识,更要注重培养学生的创新能力和创新精神,而问题意识则对培养学生的创新能力起着重要作用.问题容易激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生思考,是活跃学生思维,调动学生学习主动性的积极因素;问题意识也是培养学生创新能力的基础,是学生探索问题、解决问题的保证.因此,在初中数学教学中,教师要有意识地引导学生质疑,培养学生的问题意识,这对实施学生的素質教育和创新教育具有
摘 要:近年来,随着新课程教学的推进,趣味教学已经逐步应用到多种学科教学中,趣味性教学成为重要目标之一。很多学科的教师都已经认识到趣味教学的良好成效,在体育教学中也是如此,体育教学中的趣味性教学,可以结合学生的身心特点进行,采取多种多样的教学手段和组织形式,培养学生的体育兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性。本文将从体育教学中趣味性教学的意义入手,谈一下在体育课程中增加趣味性教学的具体措施,并谈一下需要注意
摘 要:英语学科是初中课程的重要组成部分,也是师生都比较重视的学科之一。传统的英语教学就是教师传授知识、学生被动接收的过程,教学效率低下。随着素质教育的深入,教学改革如火如荼地进行,初中英语教学也有了很大的改变,并做出了一定的成绩,但是,在目前的考试制度下,应试教育依然影响了很多师生,导致英语教学出现很多误区。本文从英语教学实践出发,总结了英语教学中存在的教学设计缺乏多样化、教学资源利用不当,“减
摘 要:语文能力是小学语文素质的核心,培弄学生的语文能力也是小学语文教学核心的目的任务。因为小学语文是工具学科,是基础工具学科,是表情达意的工具学科。小学语文就是儿童学习语言的学科;对小学生来说,学习语文就是要掌握祖国的语言工具。  关键词:小学语文;能力训练;研究  现代教学论认为教学的本质是促进学生的发展,主要是发展学生的智能,发展学生的智力和能力。我认为教学的本质是对学生德、智、体、美素质的
摘 要:学习是一项重要的脑力劳动,要求学生在学习的过程中,能够采用有效方法。物理作为一门规律性很强的学科,更要求学生在学习的过程中能够讲究方法,这样学生的物理学科学习才能更加高效。  关键词:高中物理;高中学生;物理学习;有效方法  把握事物的规律,是正确认识事物、有效利用事物的关键,而把握事物规律的一个重要体现就是针对事物的特点,采取有效的方法与技巧。做事情要讲究方法,这样才能收到更好的效果。学
摘 要:素质教育强调教学中培养学生的创新能力,创新是国家兴旺与发展的源泉。教师是教学的组织者,一线初中数学教师的创新意识直接影响着创新教学的开展。面对创新在社会发展中的重要作用,初中数学通过对课程的不断改革,利用多种方式开展创新教育,有效提高了教学效率。的培养开展了创新教学。  关键词:初中数学;教师创新意识培养;探究  意识是一种稳定的心理倾向。初中数学教师要想开展创新教学,首先要提高自身创新意
摘 要:求教师在进行高中地理教学时应该应用生活化理念,让学生逐步运用基本地理原理解决生活中的实际问题以及地理规律等,同时在高中地理教学中运用生活教学也是新课改的需求。  关键词:高中地理;生活教材  一、传统高中地理教学的弊端  由于受到“教育是未来生活的准备”这种传统教育观念的影响,人们忽视了现实生活的教育意义和价值,从而影响了课堂教学的模式,即“重课堂理论,轻生活实践;重间接经验,轻直接经验;