Textile machinery enterprises should have their equipment conform to customer product positioning

来源 :China Textile | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cchmily2624
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  ITAM ASIA + CITME is an important channel for the textile enterprises to have a good commanding of the development of textile industry, providing many ideas and advanced development information for the development of the textile industry. For semi-worsted industry, the focus on equipment goes to the intelligent dyeing equipment, high-performance semi-spinning carding machine, intelligent multi-adaptive semi-worsted spinning machine, and high-performance twisting machine.
  In the context of the current development of the industry and the world economic environment, gradual transformation is a must for the enterprises to enjoy good development. As for the semi-worsted industry, the changing needs of the market requires the enterprises to re-position their demands for the development. Being more professional and of better quality towards the specific customers will guarantee a long-term development. Therefore, the demand for textile machinery equipment should be based on customer positioning and product positioning to adapt to more professional production needs. As for the semi-worsted enterprises, automatic and intelligent is imperative in face of the increasingly higher market demands as well as the gradually weakening advantages in labor costs and production costs. Personally, I believe that the textile machinery industry needs more efforts in automation and network integration and in-depth understanding of the actual needs of the textile industry for custom development and innovation of textile machinery.
  After more than 10 years of rapid development, most semi-worsted equipment has entered a renewal cycle. The company will pay more attention to high-performance semi-spinning carding machine, intelligent multi-adaptive semi-worsted spinning machine, and high-performance twisting machine, and will gradually carry out equipment renewal according to the company’s development plan to better meet customer requirements for a long-term development of the company.
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China Textile: What do you think about the main advantages and disadvantages of domestic and imported machinery?  Miu Dingshu: Foreign textile manufacturing industry still occupies highland, with purp
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