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师德档案的建立是建立健全师德建设长效机制的重要载体,能够促进师德建设过程化、常态化和科学化,从而打造一支师德优秀、师能精湛、心理健康的教师队伍,为学校的发展提供坚实的保障。师德乃为师之本。目前,虽然各级教育部门对师德建设提到了前所未有的高度,但学校的师德建设还存在着缺乏系统性、缺少针对性、流于形式的现象。师德档案的建立是建立健全师德建设长效机制的重要载体,能够促进师德建设过程化、常态化和科学化,从而打造一支师德优秀、师能精湛、心理健康的教师队伍,为学校的发展提供坚实的保障。 The establishment of ethics archives is an important carrier for establishing and perfecting the long-term mechanism of ethics building and can promote the process, normalization and scientificization of ethics building, so as to create a contingent of teachers with excellent ethics, excellent faculty, and mental health. Provide a solid guarantee for the development of the school. Morality is the teacher of this. At present, although the educational departments at all levels mentioned the unprecedented construction of teachers ’morality, there still exists a lack of systematicness, lack of pertinence and formality in the construction of teachers’ ethics in schools. The establishment of ethics archives is an important carrier for establishing and perfecting the long-term mechanism of ethics building and can promote the process, normalization and scientificization of ethics building, so as to create a contingent of teachers with excellent ethics, excellent faculty, and mental health. Provide a solid guarantee for the development of the school.
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教学要求:复习二分音符、四分音符、八分音符、十六分音符;新教附点四分音符,并进行节奏练习。教学过程: 复习由教师担任指挥,小朋友轮唱、合唱: Teaching Requirements: R
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