分组合作 唱出课堂好声音——《乘法分配率的应用》合作教学案例

来源 :山西教育(教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LILLER1010
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一、案例背景作为教师,每节课只要用心梳理,总能在课堂上听到不同的声音,这声音有对相同问题的不同见解,也有对不同问题的相同看法。乘法分配率的应用是学生在学习乘法分配律的基础上进行的第二课时的教学。在传统的教学中,老师往往是让学生先牢牢记住乘法分配律的语言表达方式,再通过死记硬背把公式熟记。用旧有的方法、方式来教学 First, the case background As a teacher, each class as long as the heart combing, always hear different voices in the classroom, the voices have different views on the same issue, but also on different issues the same view. The application of the multiplicative division rate is the teaching of the second lesson when the student learns the multiplicative distribution law. In traditional teaching, teachers tend to let students firmly remember the language of multiplication distribution law, and then memorize the formulas by rote learning. Use old methods and methods to teach