1981年以来,笔者针对朴菇生料床式栽培“生”的特殊性,研究并摸索出了一套防污染技术措施,经多次重复,成活率均可达100%。现将研究结果报导如下。 (一)温度与污染。81年冬至82年6月,利用室内自然温度,测定了朴菇菌丝体在灭菌培养基上
Since 1981, the author has studied and worked out a set of anti-pollution technical measures for “raw” cultivation of raw materials of the raw materials of the raw materials of the raw materials of the raw mushrooms. After repeated repetitions, the survival rate can reach 100%. Now report the results as follows. (A) temperature and pollution. 81 years winter to 82 years in June 82, the indoor natural temperature was measured, Park mushroom mycelium in the sterilization medium