著商务印书馆9787100113335 2015-07 49.00元本书借助对史料的实证研究,致力于第一次分不同阶段系统地勾勒金融机构的迁移布局及其后续影响。金融机构不同于其他机构之处在于,金融行业本身的运作方式即具有流动性和远程性,所以其迁移的过程,除了“有形”的人员、设备、设施等的迁移之外,更内在的是“业务重心”的转移,也即金融机构不同于文化机构和工矿
The Commercial Press 9787100113335 2015-07 49.00 Yuan With the empirical study of historical materials, this book is devoted to the systematic outline of the relocation of financial institutions and their subsequent impact for the first time in different phases. The difference between financial institutions and other institutions lies in the fact that the operation of the financial industry itself is fluid and remote. Therefore, the process of its relocation is more internal than the migration of “tangible” personnel, equipment and facilities Is the shift of “business center of gravity ”, that is, financial institutions are different from cultural institutions and mining