教学目标: 1.懂得端午节是中华民族的传统节日,这一天,有挂菖蒲、悬艾香、缝香袋、划龙舟、吃粽子等习俗。知道端午节吃粽子、赛龙舟的来历。2.能有感情地朗读课文,并能主动搜集有关端午节的来历、习俗及诗词等方面的课外资料。3.感受中华民族灿烂悠久的历史文化,体会屈原忧国忧民的爱国主义精神。教学准备:菖蒲、艾草各一棵;小孩的虎头衣、虎头帽;龙舟竞渡的电影片断;菱角形香袋。
Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowing the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival for the Chinese nation. On this day, there are the customs of hanging iris, hanging incense, sachet, planning dragon boat and eating dumplings. Dragon Boat Festival to know eat dumplings, dragon boat origins. 2. Have the ability to read the text emotionally and take the initiative to collect extra-curricular information on the origins, customs and poems of the Dragon Boat Festival. 3. Feel the bright and long history of the Chinese nation’s culture and experience the patriotic spirit of Qu Yuan’s concern for the people. Teaching Preparation: Iris, wormwood each one; children’s tiger’s headdress, tiger’s head captain; Dragon Boat Festival movie fragments;