久闻“标准化”对电影有颇深的影响,于是受观众之托,于不久前登门拜访了电影标准化大师。现将访问记录发表,以供研究。记者:大师,久闻大名,想请您介绍一下您的工作意义,可以吗? 大师:当然可以。所谓标准化,是将不同厂家不同产品的规格、型号、指标统一起来,使生产者可以方便地把基本部件组装成产品和新产品,让使用者对不同厂家不同产品的整体或部件,可以方便地互相替换。这就和儿童玩积木的道理一样,并不深奥;但其效果却很“佳”,能成十倍或几十倍地提高生产效率。记者:您解释得十分清楚,但电影艺术完全不同于工业生产,您是如何入手的呢?
Long heard of “standardization” has a profound impact on the movie, so by the audience, recently visited the film standardization guru. The interview record is now published for research. Reporter: Master, long heard the name, would you please introduce your work, can you? Master: Of course you can. The so-called standardization is to different manufacturers of different products specifications, models, indicators unified, so that producers can easily assemble the basic components into products and new products, so that users of different products from different manufacturers of the whole or parts can be easily Replace each other. This is the same as that for children playing with bricks, but it is not very esoteric. However, its effect is very good and it can increase its productivity ten or a few times. Reporter: You explained very clearly, but the film art is completely different from industrial production, how do you start?