《中国科协书记处书记冯长根在中国科协期刊工作经验交流会上的讲话》对提高学术期刊的质量 ,做大做强中文学术期刊提出了很好的意见与建议 ,同时 ,对学术论文的撰写提出了切实的指导性建议。本刊编辑部对冯长根书记的讲话予以摘要刊登 ,希望本刊的作者与读者能予以关注 ,为本刊的进一步发展尽一份力
“Feng Changgen, secretary of the China Association for Science and Technology Association’s speech at the exchange session of the China Association for Science and Technology Journals experience” put forward good opinions and suggestions on improving the quality of academic journals and making Chinese academic journals bigger and stronger. At the same time, Written and put forward practical guidance. Our editorial department will give a brief summary of Feng Changgen’s speech, hoping that the authors and readers of this journal can pay attention to do their utmost for the further development of this journal