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指导学生分段,是为了理清文章的思路,探究文章的写作方法。那么在教学中如何指导学生分段呢?我们认为要做到四个“坚持”: 一、坚持启发性 讲是为了达到用不着讲,教是为了达到用不着教。我们在教学中要让学生去发现、去探索分段的方法,而不是由教师包办代替,直接“赠送”给学生方法。有位教师在教学《视死如归》一课指导学生分段时,不是直接给学生答案,而是在启发上下功夫。精心设计了一组思考题:1.这篇课文写了哪些地方?2.哪些小节写的是同一个地方?3.每一个地方写的什么?学生根据这一组思考题,很快地给课文分了段,归纳了段落大意。 答案找到了,这位教师不急着收场,而是顺水推舟,引导学生回顾、讨论、交流分段的方法:1,找出表示地点的词句;2.合并同一地点的小节;3.归纳每一地点的意思。至此,教师将以上方法总结为“按地点的变换分段”。这样学生经过独立思考、努力探索,不仅学到了知识,而且梳理了分段方法。 Guide the students segmentation, is to sort out the train of thought, to explore the writing method of the article. So how to guide the students in teaching segmentation? We think we should do four “insist”: First, perseverance instructors in order to achieve no need to say, to teach is to achieve the need to teach. In teaching, we should let students discover and explore sub-methods, instead of replacing teachers with teachers and giving them directly to students. When a teacher instructs students to subdivide a class, he or she does not answer the students directly, but rather inspires them. A series of questions are carefully designed: 1. Where did the text be written? 2. Which sections were written in the same place? 3. What was written in each place? Students quickly gave Divided into sections of the text, summed up the passage to the effect. The answer is found, the teacher is not in a hurry to end, but rather to guide the students to review, discuss, exchange segmentation method: 1, find out the location of the phrase; 2 merge the same location of the section; The meaning of the place. At this point, teachers summarize the above method as “transformation by location”. Such students through independent thinking, and strive to explore, not only learned the knowledge, but also sort out the segmentation method.
我看潜水表真正的功能,还是提醒一下潜水的人“你是人不是鱼,看着点儿时间上去喘口气……” I look at the true function of the dive watch, or to remind the diving peo
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六一,北京。 庄严的人民大会堂里,掌声经久不息。 布依族教师蒙瑛站在领奖台上,手捧“全国十佳春蕾园丁”荣誉证书,激动的热泪夺眶而出…… 一 1994年金秋时节,一个振奋人心
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