士吉他,是一种流传于西方民间的乐器,它不像小提琴和钢琴,占着乐器中的主流地位,然而市井生活中,人们喜欢弹奏吉他,或消遣自娱,拨弹咏唱,或表达对女性的爱慕之情。西班牙是著名的吉他王国,作为一门古老的手工艺,今天在马德里,能用精湛技艺制作吉他的工场仅存三家。位于马德里皇宫广场附近幽静街道旁的Conde Hermanos吉他店,便是其中的一家。这家以吉他制作大师孔德(Conde)兄弟名字命名的吉他专卖店,创建于1915年,哥哥叫菲利佩,弟弟叫马里亚诺,兄弟俩从小就跟着父亲和叔叔学艺,这家店传到他们手里,至今已有几十年了。
Guitar, a musical instrument spread to the West, unlike violin and piano, holds the dominant position in musical instruments. However, in the marketplace life, people like to play guitar, or entertain themselves, dial the chant, or Express love for women. Spain is a famous kingdom of guitar. As an ancient handicraft, there are only three workshops in Madrid today that can craft guitars with superb craftsmanship. One of them is the Conde Hermanos guitar store, located in a quiet side street near Madrid’s Palace Square. The guitar store, named after the guitar maker Conde, was founded in 1915 with his brother Felipe and his brother Mariano, who grew up following their father and uncle. It has been decades since I reached their hands.