根据辽宁省盘锦地区的经验,盐渍土改良是一项长期复杂的系统工程,应当因地制宜,综合治理.对灌区盐渍土来说,应加强灌排管理,对地下水位、土壤盐分和养分进行监测,不断培肥土壤,防止次生盐渍化.相应 地,重视盐生物种资源的开发利用,发展盐土农业,实现盐渍土资源的可持续利用.
According to the experience of Panjin in Liaoning Province, the improvement of saline soil is a long-term and complicated systematic project and should be governed by local conditions and comprehensively controlled. For irrigation saline soil, should strengthen irrigation and drainage management, monitoring of groundwater table, soil salinity and nutrients, and constantly fertilize the soil to prevent secondary salinization. Accordingly, emphasis should be placed on the development and utilization of saltwater species resources, the development of salt-soil agriculture and the sustainable use of saline soil resources.