下面谈谈小作文的情况: 对近年来高考小作文的命题特点,大家有以下的看法: 近六年(1990—1995年)的高考语文,除1994年只考一篇命题作文(《尝试》)外,每年都考一大一小两篇作文。1990年是两小题:其一,在材料的空格处,写出表现小姑娘表情或动作的描述性文字。其二,根据提供的材料,加以想象,为小姑娘作肖像描写。1991年的题目是——把圆想象成另一个物体,写成一篇200字左右的想象作文。1992年的题目是——根据提供的材料加以设想,写一篇
Let’s talk about the situation of small compositions: For the characteristics of propositions of recent college entrance examination small compositions, we have the following views: In the past six years (1990-1995), the college entrance examination language, except for 1994, only one proposition composition (“Try” ) In addition, each year, one or two small compositions are considered. In 1990, there were two subtitles: First, in the space of materials, descriptive words expressing the expression or movement of the little girl were written. Second, according to the materials provided, imagine and make portraits for the little girl. The title of 1991 was to imagine the circle as another object and write a imaginary composition of about 200 words. The title for 1992 was to conceive and write an article based on the materials provided.