Pursuing and Constructing Ethnic Selfhood

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  This paper argues how to pursue and construct ethic selfhood in “No Name Woman” and “White Tigers” in the novel of The Woman Warrior:Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts written by Maxine Hong Kingston through textual analysis of the three process of losing selfhood,discovering selfhood and constructing selfhood. Based on “The umbilical cord flew with the red flag...”,this paper suggests this is a selfhood flag that will be transformed into nationhood,symbolizing the courage for pursuing and constructing free,ethnic selfhood so as to arouse ethnic females’ subject consciousness.
  By textual analysis,this paper concludes that the narrator experiences the process of growth and tranformation:losing selfhood,discovering selfhood and constructing selfhood in the perspective of feminism. Encouraging the ethnic females to make efforts to pursue selfhood construction and due rights has important and practical significance.
  We use feminism criticism theory to study the way to pursue and construct ethnic selfhood in the perspective of feminism for narrator “I” in this paper. The ethnic selfhood construction is the main question that will be discussed in the following:above all,this paper illustrates the selfhood-lost in the “context of modernization;next,this paper looks at the selfhood-discovery and selfhood-pursuit in the trap on the earth;the last but not least,this paper argues the ideal selfhood-construction as a ethnic female,which can guide ethnic females to pursue their due rights.
  Selfhood-lost means that an individual blindly yields to the public or do something with the flow,although he or she has his own or her own standpoints,opinions and views,he or she can not adhere to himself or herself. Here,what this paper argues is the ethnic seflhood-lost influenced by sexual discrimination in “No Name Woman”. In “No Name Woman”,the essay narrates that the aunt is pregnant and then she commits suicide from the angle of “my” mother. Because “I” make associations,the “aunt event” occurs all along. Aunt is a female generation influenced and enslaved by patriarchal thoughts in ancient time. Without any choices,generations of females comply with males’ order and bear their crosses which males bring. Just as the saying in the beginning of the essay goes,“ ‘You must not tell anyone,’ my mother said,‘what I am about to tell you.’ In China your father had a sister who killed herself. She jumped into the family well.
  There are connections between “No Name Woman”,the first chapter of this novel,and “White Tigers”,the second chapter of this novel. “I” lose selfhood in “No Name Woman”,so “I” will make an effort to discover and pursue selfhood. This part suggests that what “I” suffer from hunger and cold when “I” learn martial arts from masters on the mountain of White Tigers is almost the reality of Kingston’s life in America,which often contains the discrimination from the outside world and the life pressure from herself and family.   Part from the disappointment towards racial discrimination and sexual discrimination in “No Name Woman”,“I” decide to go up the mountain and learn skills as a woman warrior in dreams so as to revenge for “no name woman”. In “White Tigers”,Kingston narrates that “I” learn and practice the acrobatic skills in the mountain of White Tigers;“I” take “my” father’s place in the conscription army as a daughter who disguises herself as a male soldier,“I” get rid of the cruel and pacify the good and return in triumph. The process of learning skills on the mountains of the White Tigers can be called the process of selfhood-discovery and selfhood-pursuit. In order to pursue selfhood,there is much pain “I” suffered in succession from missing “my” parents during learing martial arts. “I” need to “bear to stay with an old man and an old woman for fifteen years to become a warrior” and “avenge ‘my’ village” instead of living with “my mother and father”(Kingston 1989,21- 22).
  Selfhood-construction is the most important process for Chinese American,especially for Chinese American women. Only realizing the significance of ethnic selfhood,can they make a decision to pursue and construct selfhood. Considering how to take actions to construct selfhood,there are strong powers in their deep hearts to support themselves. In “White Tigers”,“I” become a “woman warrior” dressed as boys in dream,“my” martial arts are masterly,“I” charge forward,“I” rob the rich to help the poor to revenge for villagers who are oppressed as well as deprived. Such “woman warrior” is a new female who has the integrated feature of Chinese traditional filial piety,the awareness of feminism and the awareness of selfhood. Traditionally,the exclusive image of male,such as strong physique,masterly martial arts,tenacity,excellent military talents,etc. and the traditional female image,for instance,pregnancy,giving birth to and bringing up children,ploughing and weeding,weaving and so on,converge together in an individual,creating an ideal image of women. “I” take “my” father’s place to be drafted,and “ ‘ we are going to carve revenge on your back,’ my father said. ‘we’ll write oaths and names’ ”,and “ ‘where you go,whatever happens to you,people will know our sacrifice,’ ” my mother said.
  All in all,from the perspective of feminism,this paper examines the selfhood-lost,selfhood-pursuit and selfhood-construction by analysis of “No Name Woman” and “White Tigers” of The Woman Warrior:Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts,including the imagined story as well as the description of reality. The purpose of this study is to provide a reference not only for Chinese American females but also for all women around the world to remould their ideas and to display the value of their life when they face a variety of values.
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摘 要:伴随着科技的不断进步,教育事业也开始不断跟上了科技的步伐。信息技术与教学方法的整合是指利用信息技术对现有的信息进行搜集与整合,形成教师为主导,学生为主体来共同完成教学任务的方式。将信息技术与高职英语教学相整合成为了高职英语教学的新方向,同时整合也培养了学生的自主学习与合作能力。对此,本文分析了信息技术与高职英语教学整合的重要性与现状并提出了对存在问题相对应的解决方案。  关键词:信息技术;
摘 要:面对当前不断深化的新课程改革趋势,如何推动现代化教育事业发展,需要当代日语教师予以高度关注,注重教学理念和教学方式的创新。微课作为一种前沿的教学模式,在实际应用中可以有效改善传统教学模式的缺陷和不足,进一步整合教育资源,激发学生学习兴趣,积极参与其中。在高职日语教学中应用微课,有助于加强理论和实践联系,提升学生实践能力同时,丰富理论知识储备。本文就高职日语教改进行分析,充分发挥微课优势,就
摘 要:大学生作为当今社会发展的主要动力源泉,他们的人文教育以及精神素养逐渐得到更多人的关注。有一部分当代大学生在行为举止方面都呈现出不文明的现象,拉低大学生礼仪意识的形象因素是多方面的:家庭教育、学校教育、朋友相处等等。本文从分析大学生礼仪教育现状入手,进行相关教育策略探析。  关键词:大学生教育;礼仪现状;教育策略分析  前言:荀子曾经说过:“人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁”,很大一
摘 要:高职教育的教学目标与其他院校的教学目标不同,它主要以培养学生的应用能力为主要目的。能力培养是高职教育的关键所在。在高职教育教学中,教师应该注重对学生英语应用能力的培养,提高他们运用英语解决相关业务问题的能力。本文基于高职英语教学,结合多年一线教育经验,深入探究培养高职学生英语应用能力水平的问题。  关键词:高职英语教学;英语应用;能力培养  高职英语教学注重学生的能力培养,需要经过大量的训
摘 要:音乐文化的存在形态在一定程度上决定了音乐教育是人类音乐文化的一种实际的表现形式,音乐教育对于音乐文化的传承来说是非常的重要的,音乐教育是民族音乐文化传承的一种最为主要的途径,音乐教育在实际进行的过程中,呈现出来的是一种深刻的文化意义与精神内涵。音乐对于一个民族的文化来说是非常的重要的,在时代更替的过程中,音乐是对历史的一种解读,音乐中所蕴含的是一种社会风貌与情感,所以在多元化音乐教育发展的
摘 要:作为互联网思维的新成果“互联网+”正以其新型活力,助推者各行各业的改革、创新,法学教育在创新2.0的互联网下将迸发怎样的生机与活力,如何将传统教育与“互联网+”相结合,更新传统教学模式,共享法学资源,真正的实现法学人才的教育培养,为中国的创新法治时代进程的后备军加油助力,于高校法学教育领域而言已大势所趋。贵州高校如何在这一时代进程下取长补短,抓住机遇,实现贵州的法学教育合理、高效的改革,已
摘 要:分层教学,是以学生为课堂教学的核心,将课堂教学始终围绕学生的学习、发展而开展。教育改革的目标基点是,让每一个学生受到适合的时代教育,适合本人特点的教育与发展。注重学生个体差异,面向全体学生,实施个性化分层递进因材施教,是对语文课堂教学模式的改革,也是对素质教育思想的贯彻落实。本文简要介绍了分层教学的内涵,分析了分层教学的现实意义,重点研究了高中语文分层教学的具体措施,以期借此打造有效课堂,
政治教学的目标是让学生掌握知识技能获得的方法,培养学生正确的价值观,树立正确的人生态度。因此,我们要转变传统教学观念,联系学生实际生活,推进理论学习与探究实践相结合,促进政治教学生活化,实现既定的教学目标。  一、鼓励学生发现问题提出问题  爱因斯坦曾经说过:“提出一个有效问题往往比解决一个问题更为重要。”我们要注重发展学生独立思考与判断的能力,培养学生的问题意识,提高学生提出问题的水平。实际上,
摘 要:学习效率越来越成为一个被关注的话题,学习效率也是受多方面的影响,因此,想要提高学生的学习效率,必须考虑多方面的因素。较高的学习效率可以使学生在较短的时间里取得更大的进步,而影响学生学习效率的因素主要有:学生自身的因素,学习兴趣与学习态度是影响学习效率的内在因素;环境因素,这是影响学习效率的基本因素;教师的教学水平,这也是影响学生学习效率的关键因素;上课时教师和学生的情绪是影响学生学习的情感
摘 要:《义务教育英语课程标准》在小学英语二级技能目标中提出了对“写”的要求,即:“能模仿范例写句子;能写出简单的问候语;能根据要求为图片、实物等写出简短的标题或描述;能基本正确地使用大小写字母和标点符号。”小学英语写作教学的意义不仅在于培养学生初步的英语语言信息的书面输出能力,更多地在于通过这一训练,促进学生英语听、说、读、写四项技能的协调发展和全面提高。在现阶段的英语教学中,“听说读写”是学生