努力营造良好发展环境 确保宁波经济快速增长势头

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又到了该对一年来经济运行成绩作一番总结的时候了。今年在适度从紧的基调之上开始的经济之旅,频仍出台的政策力度之强,与步履蹒跚的“三驾马车”拉力之弱,围绕“保八”展开了一场惊心动魄的较量,尽管最终结果强差人意,但也着实让人为之揪心。宁波经济运行轨迹也同样跌宕起伏。如果再用一句话来概括今年经济运行的特点,真可谓“这一路走得好辛苦”。使人在感叹成绩来之不易的同时,不得不承认当前经济发展确实进入了一个新的阶段,以往轻轻松松就能达到两位数的高速增长时代一去不复返了。透析今年经济运行,令人真切感受到市场机制的渐露峥嵘和转变增长方式的日 It is time for a summary of the economic performance of the past year. This year’s economic journey started on a moderately tight tone, and the policies that are still frequently introduced have been strong. They are struggling with the faltering “Troika” Contest, although the final result of unsatisfactory, but it really makes people worried. Ningbo economic trajectory is also the same ups and downs. If you use one sentence to summarize the characteristics of the economic operation this year, really can be described as “This way go hard”. At the same time that people have lamented the hard-earned achievements, they have to admit that the current economic development has indeed entered a new stage. In the past, the double-digit era of rapid growth, which used to be easy, was gone. Dialysis this year’s economic operation, people really feel the gradual emergence of the market mechanism and change the mode of growth day
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