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  【Abstract】Medical terminology consists of so many new words and terms that medical students often have difficulty in learning and understanding them. This paper introduces the direct teaching method by using pictures taken from online resources to facilitate students’ understanding of the difficult medical terminology.
  【Key words】Pictures; Medical terminology; Direct method
  1. Problems Encountered in learning medical English
  In teaching medical English, the author found that the students in medical classroom have difficulties in learning difficult medical terminology. Many medical terms (e.g. ileostomy, myasthenia gravis, myocardial infarction etc.) are incomprehensible as these terms are outside their regular daily vocabulary. The incomprehensibility affects students’ achievement in learning medical English. In order to address this problem, the author suggests the use of pictures or illustrations in medical English classroom to facilitate students’ understanding of difficult medical terminology.
  2. Theoretic Basis for Using Pictures in Medical English Classroom
  The use of pictures in medical English classroom is originated for the teaching method – Direct method (DM). According to Larsen and Freeman (1986:18) that one of the effective teaching methods is by using direct method. The aim of Direct method is to think in the target language and, as a result of this, to develop a good communication ability. According the direct method, vocabulary and grammar are learnt through examples and associations. Teacher presents the subject by acting or demonstrations. The example of direct method is the use of pictures in teaching English. Brown in Erwadi (2003) state that picture can be used to introduce and motivate study of new topic, to clarify misconceptions, and to communicate basic information. The students learn best when they are motivated by being interested in the activity and by being involved in activities which are relevant to them.
  3. Using Pictures to Facilitate Students’ Understanding of Difficult Medical Terminology
  In learning medical terminology, the students are required to have medical background so that they can understand the medical terminology without much difficulty. Our medical English is taught among junior either junior medical students or non-medical major students, thus most of our students are lack of medical knowledge. When difficult terminology is encountered, they find it is hard to understand it. For example, the medical term - patent ductus arteriosus (a vessel present in the fetus to bypass the lungs fails to close at birth. Blood can then flow from the aorta to the pulmonary artery and return to the lungs.). It is quite hard for the students to understand its meaning even if there is literal explanation. However, by using a picture taken from online resource, the teacher can explain its meaning clearly together with the help of literal explanation. In fact, a lot of medical terms can be learned by using pictures or illustrations.
  The lecturer should be able to determine the most appropriate techniques in teaching medical English. It is very useful by using picture in medical English classroom because it will motivate students to know the new words. By using pictures, the students were easy to remember and understand the difficult medical terminology. Besides that, the use of picture can help students to imagine the situation, things based on the picture given. In a word, the picture as visual aids will attract students’ attention, and motivate them to learn.
  [1]Larsen,D.– Freeman(1986):Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.Oxford:OUP.
  [2]Erwadi.2004.A study on Effectiveness of Using Pictures in Teaching Speaking at SLTPN 6 Pekanbaru,Pekanbaru:A Thesis Unpublished Paper.
【摘要】医学英语句法特点是频繁使用被动句,此句型结构对我们理解及翻译医学文章造成了一定的困难。本文探讨了医学英语文献中被动语态汉译技巧。  【关键词】医学英语文献 被动态 英译汉  一、医学英语文献的翻译标准  医学英语文献属于科技文体,其主要特点是结构严谨、逻辑严密、措辞精确、术语准确。要想准确地翻译医学英语文献,一方面,译者必须具有一定的专业知识;另一方面,译者也必须掌握基本的翻译理论和技巧。
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I  The Scarlet Letter was tragic love story. The love story between a clergyman and a married woman in the 17th century was doomed to be tragic. The destinies of Heroine—Hester prynne and hero Dimmesd
【摘要】宁夏回族自治区是我国最大的回民聚居地,其信奉的是伊斯兰教,生活习惯以及饮食文化都受到伊斯兰教的影响,回族的饮食文化也是丰富多彩,同时对外的交流也是比较多,很多的饮食都受到其他民族的欢迎。本文将从宁夏清真美食菜名汉英误译方面进行分析,提出相应的措施。  【关键词】宁夏 清真菜名 汉译英 误译  宁夏回族自治区是我国最大的省级回民聚居地,其生活习惯和饮食文化都受到伊斯兰教的影响,回族对外的文化
【摘要】多义形容词词义研究分为注重语言系统层面的静态识解和强调语言使用层面的动态识解。前者主张词义是跨感官经验的通感隐喻;后者在此基础上试图深入探索该模式的实时动态过程,再结合局域激活理论得出动态识解模式。形名结构的名词原义在初义过程中,其相应亚概念被形容词原义激活,在语境,常识和认知方式的共同作用下确立侧义,即名词的洽义,最终使名词与形容词互相观照,形名互含。  【关键词】多义形容词 动态识解
素质教育犹如一缕春风,走进了英语教师的心灵。随着它的深入发展,教师高高在上的权威形象已经不符合现代教育的发展方向,“以情感人、以理服人”的情感教学才是英语教育的主要课题。在初中英语教学中,教师教学的效果直接影响学生的学习效果,要想提高英语教学质量,教师就要了解学生的心理。所以教师在讲课过程中要倾注自己的感情,实施情感教学,以此增强学生对教师的信任、培养学生学习英语的兴趣、提高学生的创新能力。  一
诗与歌,从来都是关系紧密,不可分割。《诗·大序》曰:“诗者,志之所之也。在心为志,发言为诗,情动于中而形于言。言之不足,故嗟叹之。嗟叹之不足,故咏歌之。咏歌之不足,不知手之舞之足之蹈之也。”从《诗经》到唐诗宋词元曲,或诗为曲而作,或曲中有诗歌。  今天的流行歌曲,也常常会直接采用或间接借鉴诗歌来作为歌词,如邓丽君的《虞美人》、毛宁的《涛声依旧》等即是如此。而当代英文歌曲也不乏歌词优美、极具诗歌韵味
【摘要】课堂教学的导入是新课的序曲,不仅要给学生带来亲切、新鲜的感受,还要能诱发学生主动探索的愿望,一个吸引学生的好开头是非常重要的。成功的引入能先声夺人,引人入胜,培养兴趣,激发起学生强烈的求知欲望。  【关键词】英语课 导入艺术 兴趣  英国著名教育家 C.E.Echersley 曾指出:“能够引起学生学习英语的兴趣的方法就是最好的教学法。”课堂导入是指教师在课堂教学伊始利用各种教学手段创设学
【Abstract】The writing is difficult for most of the students because it calls for that the students have a large mount of vocabularies, a good sense of grammar, the good order thinking ability and so o