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自从1937年弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特在美国宾夕法尼亚的瀑布上高高建起这座别墅以来,学界和公众对它的赞誉经久不衰,可它的来龙去脉却始终是云山雾罩的,没人说清过。上个世纪30年代,美国匹茨堡的百货大亨考夫曼肯定不会想到,他的私人度假别墅竟会成为世界上知名度最高的住宅建筑,在建筑史上占据着绚丽夺且的一页。1934年,考夫曼看中了匹茨堡东南郊熊跑溪上游的一片林地,远离尘嚣,空气清幽,流水潺潺,树木茂盛。考 Since Frank Lloyd Wright built the villa on a waterfall in Pennsylvania in the United States in 1937, scholars and the public have endured its praise. However, its ins and outs have always been clouded by clouds. Nobody said it was clear. . In the 1930s, Kaufman, a department store tycoon in Pittsburgh, USA, would not have imagined that his private holiday villa would have become the most famous residential building in the world, occupying a glorious page in the history of architecture. In 1934, Kaufman fancy a woodland in the upper reaches of the bear running river in the south-eastern suburbs of Pittsburgh, away from the hustle and bustle, the air is quiet, water is flowing, and the trees are lush. test
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