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作为2012厦门国际海洋周主要活动之一的首届海洋女科学家论坛于11月4日在厦门开幕,此次论坛由中国海洋学会、中国女科技工作者协会共同主办,200余名中国女性海洋科技工作者汇聚一堂,以“蓝色经济,绿色增长中女性科学家的影响力”为主题进行研讨,为女性如何在促进我国海洋科技创新与海洋经济发展中发挥独特优势与积极作用建言献策。在开幕仪式上,中国海洋学会还向出席会议的有着30年以上海洋工作业绩、具有正高级技术职称、为我国海洋事业发展做出贡献的海洋女科技工作者代表颁发了海洋女科学家奉献奖。论坛上,中国工程院院士徐洵等十多位优秀 The 1st Marine Women Scientists Forum, one of the major activities of Xiamen International Marine Week 2012, was opened in Xiamen on November 4. The forum was co-sponsored by the Chinese Ocean Society and the Chinese Association of Women Sci-Tech Workers. More than 200 Chinese scientists working in marine science and technology Gathered together to discuss the theme of “The Influence of Female Scientists in Blue Economy and Green Growth”, and offer suggestions for how women can play their unique advantages and positive roles in promoting China’s marine scientific and technological innovation and marine economic development. At the opening ceremony, the Ocean University of China also presented the Marine Female Scientists Dedication Award to the representatives of marine women scientists who have attended more than 30 years of maritime work performance, have a senior technical title and contributed to the development of China’s marine undertaking. Forum, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Xu 洵 more than a dozen outstanding
Recent discovery of low-dimensional coherent structure in oceanic currents along with a new merged altimeter product called Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) ma
The observed meridional overturning circulation (MOC) and meridional heat transport (MHT) estimated from the Rapid Climate Change/Meridional Circulation and Hea
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The Hutuo River alluvial-proluvial fan is located in North China Plain, and groundwater is the main source of water supply for agriculture and domestic water. S