帝国主义的和平演变已经在东欧一些社会主义国家得逞,在我国也搅起了一场动乱。这一挑战再一次向我们提出了一个严峻的课题:我们能否战胜和平演变,永保社会主义江山? 这一课题早在新中国诞生前夕就被提了出来。1945年7月,毛主席在延安同黄炎培先生作过一次意味深长的交谈。黄炎培当时从历代封建王朝始兴终亡的循环,担心中国共产党也会“靡不有初,鲜克有终”。最后走向人亡政息之路。毛主席信心百倍
The peaceful evolution of imperialism has succeeded in some socialist countries in Eastern Europe, and in our country also stirred up a turmoil. Once again, this challenge poses a serious issue to us: Can we overcome the peaceful evolution and forever preserve the socialist place? The issue was raised long before the birth of New China. In July 1945, Chairman Mao made a meaningful speech to Mr. Huang Yanpei in Yan'an. Huang Yanpei at that time from the beginning of the feudal dynasties dynasty Siu Hing ending cycle, worried that the Chinese Communist Party will be “no beginning, no fresh end.” Finally, the road to death and death of the government. Chairman Mao confident hundred times