前天在家收拾东西,忽然发现我的CD机已经被闲置在书橱上许久了;当初花了大价钱为自己添置的精神享受工具如今也逃脱不了被束之高阁的命运。取而代之的是, MP3却为我打发了每天上班下班路上的无聊时光和每一个需要安慰的寂寞空档,见证了我整个2005年的心路历程。无法想象,我们将如何面对没有娱乐的生活,那将会是多么的枯燥而乏味;我们甚至无法想象没有MP3、没有电脑游戏的空间,那将会是一个多么寂静而没有色彩的世界啊。
The day before yesterday to pack up at home, I suddenly found my CD player has been idle in the bookcase for a long time; had spent a lot of money to buy their own spiritual enjoyment tool now can not escape being shelved fate. Instead, MP3 has sent me a boring time on the road to work every day and every need to comfort the lonely gap, witnessed my entire mindset in 2005. It is inconceivable how boring and dull we would face in the absence of entertaining life; we could not even imagine a world without MP3s and no computer games, what a peaceful and untamed world would be.