关主编:您好! 贵刊《建筑管理现代化》我已订阅数年,得益非浅,美中不足的是贵刊很少见到有关建设单位配合施工企业抓好管好在建工程的报导。为此本人向贵主编建议:应注重反映建设单位在配合施工企业抓好管好在建工程的经验,刊登反映这方面问题的文章。本人自75年从部队转业到地方一直从事建筑施工与管理工作,感受很深。就说我单位新建一幢6000平方米的十二层办公楼吧,从92年筹备,93年初动工,
Guan editor: Hello! The magazine “Modernization of Building Management” I have subscribed for several years, benefited greatly, the fly in the ointment is rarely seen in your publication with the construction unit to do a good job with the construction project management reports. To this end, I hereby make a proposal to your supervisor: You should pay attention to reflecting the experience of construction units in coordinating with construction enterprises to do a good job of construction in progress, and publishing articles that reflect this issue. I am deeply impressed by the fact that I have been engaged in construction and management of buildings since the relocation of troops to local governments in 75 years. I said my unit to build a new building of 6,000 square meters of 12-story office bar, from the preparation of 92, started construction in early 93,