郑观应的传世之作《盛世危言》,是近代中国版本最多的名著。由于郑观应曾屡次修订、重印这一著作,当时的社会又无版权观念,书商等人不仅随意翻印书籍,甚至自行改变卷次、增删文章,致使《盛世危言》的版本十分繁杂。 最早问世的《盛世危言》是五卷本。而书名仅有“盛世危言”四字的版本,都是此种五卷本。五卷本的卷首有郑藻如撰写于“壬辰 (1892)八月中秋节”的序言,其中有“阅既竟,乃璧还原本,并劝其早付手民,出以问世”之句,表明在此时《盛世危言》尚未排字。在该版本的卷首还有“先后参定”该书的吴广霈、杨毓恽和陈炽分别撰写于“壬辰仲冬”、“癸巳(1893)暮春之初”的后跋及“癸巳七月”的序言,它们表明,在1893年阴历七月,《盛世危言》五卷本仍未付印。到中日甲午战争于1895年4月结束之后,郑观应于这一年年中或下半年为《盛世危言增订新编》撰写了《凡
Zheng Guan-ying handed down as “heyday”, is the most modern Chinese version of the famous. Since Zheng Guanying has repeatedly revised and reprinted this work, the society at that time did not have the concept of copyright. Booksellers and others not only reprinted books at random, but also changed volumes voluntarily and added or deleted articles. As a result, the version of “Spiritual and Heresy” was very complicated. The earliest “prosperity crisis” is five volumes. The title of the book, “Spiritual crisis” four-character version, are all five volumes. In the preface to the essay entitled “Renchen (1892) Mid-Autumn Festival in August,” the first volume of the five volumes consists of the preface to Zheng Renru’s “Mid-autumn Festival in Renchen (1892)” which reads: “After reading this article, That at this time ”prime crisis“ has not been arranged. At the beginning of this edition, there are Wu Guangtao, Yang Yuchen and Chen Chi, who wrote the book one after another. They were written in postscript postscripts such as ”Zhongchen Zhongdong“, ”The Beginning of Late Spring of Decameron (1893)“ and ”Decatur in July“ The preface shows that in the lunar month of 1893, the five volumes of The Golden Years are still unpaid. After the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894, which ended in April 1895, Zheng Guanyin wrote ”Who Should Appear to Make Up the Prime Minister’s Words?" In the middle or the second half of this year