1.请于3月1日前将答案寄(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中版)编辑部程哲收,信封正面请注明“1月物理潜能”字样,答卷请用16开稿纸誊写清楚,并注明你及辅导老师的姓名、通讯地址、联系电话E-mail、学校、班级等。 2.欢迎老师组织学生集体参赛.每期将评出优胜个人及辅导老师奖若干名,答案在3月号刊登,获奖名单在4月号公布,同时寄出获奖证书及类品。
1. Please send your answers by March 1st (450004) Cheng Zheshu, editorial staff of “School of Physics and Chemistry” (No. 11 Middle School Students), Shunhe Road, Zhengzhou City. Please use “January Physical Potential” on the front of the envelope. Please use the answer. 16 The manuscript paper should be written clearly, and indicate the name, address, contact telephone number, school, class, etc. of you and the tutor. 2. Teachers are welcome to organize students to participate collectively. In each issue, several winners will be selected as individuals and tutors. The answers will be published in the March issue. The winners will be announced on the April issue, along with certificates of awards and products.