菊酯类农药以其高效低毒而被广泛应用于防治害虫,但违反《农药安全使用规定》仍会对人体产生危害。本文报道一起使用甲氰菊酯(灭扫利)毒鱼而污染生活饮用水源引起198人急性中毒的调查与思考。1 中毒经过与临床表现
Pyrethroid pesticides are widely used to control pests due to their high efficiency and low toxicity. However, the violation of “Regulations on Safe Use of Pesticides” will still cause harm to the human body. This paper reports the investigation and reflection on the use of fenpropathrin (swept away Lee) toxic fish contaminated drinking water sources caused 198 acute poisoning. 1 poisoning and clinical manifestations