听说云南的《山茶》就要问世了,倍觉兴奋。遥祝这丛开在边疆山区的茁壮的山花根深叶茂,四季发花,为新时期的民间文学工作作出新的贡献! 在经历了历史上罕见的林彪、“四人帮”制造的一场大灾难之后,在清算了他们和那个“顾问”祸国殃民的左倾路线之后,人们的眼睛擦亮了,是非曲直象白天和黑夜一般不容混淆,我们正整装待发,都要跨上新时期的时代列车,为“四化”而兼程前进了。各族人民的口头文学创作,它的历史价值和现实作用,似乎比以往任何时候都越来越更加为人们所认识。云南聚居着二十多个民族,是我国民间文学的一个重要宝库。云南的民间文学的采录、研究工作开始的也比较早,取得了中外闻名的显著成绩。从今年二月的昆明会议,直到最近连续
I heard that Yunnan’s “camellia” will come out, times feel excited. We sincerely hope that this cluster of thick mountain and leafy mountains and flowers will flourish in the mountainous areas of the borderlands and make its contribution to the work of folk literature in the new era! Having experienced the tragedy created by Lin Biao and the “Gang of Four” rarely seen in history, Afterwards, the people’s eyes were polished after the liquidation of the leftwing line between them and the “consultant” who disgusted the countrymen and the people. We should not confuse the day and the night. We are ready to go forward and have to cross the era train of the new era, Four modernizations "and progressed concurrently. The oral literature of all ethnic groups, its historical value and its realistic role, seem to be more and more recognized than ever before. With more than 20 ethnic groups inhabited in Yunnan, Yunnan is an important treasure house of folk literature in our country. Yunnan folk literature collection, research work began earlier, made notable Chinese and foreign famous achievements. From the Kunming meeting in February this year, until recently