After World War II, Western historiography emerged a trend of “disenfranchising”: turning to workers and the bottom of society, women and gender, different groups by race and ethnicity, and non-Western, world or global history studies, and The European model of development is just one of them. In the face of the often endemic and minutiae social and cultural history, can historians grasp the theme of “dispelling the center” and appeal to the perspective of global history? From the 1950s to the 16th century artisans Starting today, studies of non-European personalities such as Islamic believers and the Leo of Africa (Al-Faisal) have been tried to answer the above questions. Two examples can be used to examine how to use the global perspective in specific studies: one is a comparison of the literary career of Ibn Khaldun and Kristen de Pisang on both sides of the Mediterranean in the late 14th and early 15th centuries; One example is the slave trade that was trafficked from Africa to Suriname in the 17th and 18th centuries, predicting the spread and alienation of various medical and investigative practices.