“古有徐霞客,现有徐博客。”徐静蕾的博客在上线112天之后,就赢得了千万点击率。Web2.0的到来,让互联网更加接近于它的本质——自由和开放。草根加名人的双重组合,让开博客成为一种没有动力推动的潮流。博客只是以个人为中心、重新建构互联网应用的Web2.0中的一环而已。在 Web1.0时代,表现个性和自我的是个人主页和论坛,而 Web2.0时代的博客就像一个傻瓜式的个人主页,你无需学习 HTML 语言和任何技术知识,人人皆可拥有同以主题或兴趣爱好聚拢起来的论坛不同,博客是一种以自我为中心的独居生活。在这个空间里,你可以用它来和亲戚朋友交流。博客里的人是完整的,喜怒哀乐、悲欢离合、爱恨情仇、吃喝拉撒都在里面。这个家让人们在网络世界里拥有了一个个人入口,在页面中拥有了一部分主权。
“Old Xu Xiake, the existing Xu blog.” Xu Jinglei’s blog 112 days on the line, it won millions of click-throughs. The arrival of Web 2.0, the Internet closer to its essence - free and open. The combination of grassroots and celebrities makes blogging a trend that is not motivated. The blog is just an individual-centric, re-building Web application in the Internet only part of it. In the era of Web1.0, the performance of the individual and self is the home page and forum, and Web2.0 blog is like a fool’s personal home page, you do not need to learn HTML language and any technical knowledge, everyone can have the same Different topics or hobbies gather together in the forum, blog is a self-centered living alone. In this space, you can use it to communicate with relatives and friends. People in the blog is complete, emotions, joys and sorrows, love and hate, eating and drinking Lazard are in it. This home allows people to have a personal entrance into the online world, with some of the sovereignty on the page.