The Application of the Interest-oriented Teaching Method in Primary School English Teaching

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  [Abstract] Nowadays, English is an important way to communicate in modern society. The status of English teaching has been rising rapidly. But the English teaching of primary school still keeps a low level.Therefore, it is urgent for English teachers to arouse and develop pupils’ interest in primary school. In this paper, there are some suggestions about how to use the Interest-oriented teaching method in English teaching of primary school.
  [Key words] the Interest-oriented Teaching Method ; primary school English teaching
  The Primary English New Curriculum points out: ①Learning is not the outer control but an inner embodiment; ②Learning process should be started from the pupils’ interest, life experience and the cognitive level; ③The learning style which is advocated requires the experience, practice, participating, co-operation and communication ; ④The pupils’ ability in applyinglanguage should be developed. Therefore, the primary English class which is under the idea of The Primary English New Curriculum should be changed, much emphasis should be placed on how to make students the center of the classroom, and how to make the class more active .
  Ⅰ.The Reasons for using the Interest-oriented Teaching Method
  1. Interest is the best teacher.
  R.Gardner and W.Lambert find out in the second language studies: the successful learners are those people who has both genius and great learning motivation .(Ellis 1985)To the learners, (especially young learners)nothing will make them produce motivation and desire for learning except something they are interested in. So the teacher should choose teaching content and arrange teaching activity according to the pupils’ interest. Some pupils feel difficult at the beginning of studying English, so they have no interest to learn it. But when they realize there are lots of interest and pleasure in English, they will produce the interest and start to learn English spontaneously. Obviously, it is important to develop the interest. However, the interest is not fixed. The key point is to set up the confidence and goals of learning English. In this way, the interest can be persisted.
  2. The age character decides that the teaching method should be interesting.
  The pupils’ age character is that they like talking and playing, sometimes they can’t control and restrict themselves well. If we can’t consider it, just use the boring teaching method to explain something, such as grammar and vocabulary, they are certain to have no interest, even break the class discipline childishly, then the pupils will lose their hearts gradually, let alone studying English actively and spontaneously. Therefore, there must be a process in which the pupils should be attracted firstly, then they can join in, otherwise the effect will be half done.
  Ⅱ.The Application of the Interest-oriented Teaching Method
  1. Attracting the pupils’ interest
  (1)Building harmonious relationship between the teacher and the pupils, reducing the distance between them in the atmosphere of love.
  Harmonious relationship is favorable to ease the pupils’ pressure in mind and make them feel relax, it is favorable to stimulate the pupils’ enthusiasm and bring their creation into play, it is also favorable to increase the pupils’ desire to participate in learning, and improve the teaching efficiency. For example, when the pupils dooral exercise, some of them will worry about the mistakes, then they are nervous and anxious. At this time, the teacher can say with smile: “Don’t be nervous.” “Try again.” “Never mind.” “Take it easy.”. When the pupils have a good performance, the teacher can say: “Great!” “Very good!” “Clever!” “Excellent!” “Good job!” and so on. In this way, the pupils’ nervous mood will be eased up, their confidence will be increased.
  (2)Making use of various teaching methods.
  In primary school English class, the simplistic teaching method will make the pupils feel dull, and wear away their curiosity and desire for learning. Therefore, if the primary school English lesson wants to keep its charming, the teacher should adapt various modern teaching methods, such as computer, video, pictures, lantern slide, object and so on. These can offer several senses of color, reality and moving to the pupils. Consequently, the pupils’ initiative is mobilized for learning English. For example, in the process of teaching story, the teacher can use CD-ROM to present the story, then the story is apt to be understood, the pupils will be interested in it. In the process of teaching dialogues, the teacher can lay out the dialogues in situation, then the pupils will not read drearily but be interested in applying the sentence patterns.
  (3)Creating situation, constructing atmosphere, enriching English extracurricular activities.
  Carrying out all kinds of interesting extracurricular activities is an effective way to develop the pupils’ interest for learning English. Because in the extracurricular activities the pupils can connect the English knowledge with their life. The juniors can carry out simple dialogues in English, the seniors can perform some simple programs in English or give a small speech about the knowledge of custom, astronomy and geography. Those activities can not only strengthen the pupils’ confidence and keep the interest for learning English but also make the pupils have more chances to touch English and practice English.
  2. The application of the Interest-oriented Teaching Method in Primary school English class
  (1)The design of guessing task
  This is a very normal design that can save time, and the pupils can practice English more. When teaching the sentence pattern “What is for lunch?”, the teacher can design an activity, make the pupils guess in English what the teacher has for lunch. If the pupils guess correctly, he can get a small prize. This task can make the pupils be active for a while. Meanwhile, the teacher needs to make the rules clearly, and pays more attention to control the time and discipline.
  (2)The design of performance task
  The teaching content of the primary English is more interesting, so the pupils may act out after learning. Firstly, the teacher can dividing the whole class into several groups, and hold the group work, then nearly everyone can participate in this work. After preparing, while one group perform, the others can judge. In this process, everyone can learn something from it, everyone can get some experience of speaking English. As a teacher, he or she should understand the significance of body language, the teacher should use the facial expression, gesture, action and sight according to the teaching materials. The meanings of some sentences needn’t be explained by oral English just by gesture or action. In this way, not only saving time, but also simulating the pupils’ interest.
  (3)The design of investigation task
  Investigation in English can make the pupils learn to use English to solve the problems. Although the pupils haven’t master enough knowledge, they can design and complete some easy and operable investigation. For example, the pupils have mastered the words about food, including the Chinese food and Western food, then they can investigate the proportions of favorite Chinese meal and favorite western-style fast food, then statistics the results. In order to cut the scope, still adopting group form, each group can make a table like this:

  The pupils can tick beside the words of food they like, cross beside the words of food they don't like. Finally, after the pupils' report, the teacher can give an advice: You'd better eat little fast food.
  (4)The design of competition task
  The English competition can develop not only the pupils' consciousness of participation but also their collaborating spirit and sense of honor in collectivity. For instance, studying new words and new sentence patterns is very dull, if the teacher adopts this method to lay a task at the beginning that which group can master more words and sentences, the pupils will be bound to be active, and help each other spontaneously. So the efficiency can be improved obviously. Furthermore, the pupils are really interested in this kind of activity. After competition, the teacher can ask the pupils to judge best group, then praise them. Meanwhile, others can be encouraged.
  (5)The design of communication task
  Communication is the best direct method to develop pupils’ ability in applying language. In the primary school, teachers usually adopt the simulation communication and supposing situation. Such as in the shopping mall, on the street, in the cinema and so on. The pupils should learn several concerned sentence patterns, then applying them in supposing situation. In fact, this task can be realized in the chatting mode. New Curriculum requires that, the pupils can learn to apply and express, they can learn through play, play in learning, then obtain the communicative ability. The essence of the chatting mode is an effective teaching method for applying language which is opening, flexible, humorous, interest. It can simulate the pupils’ interest in speaking English and develop their healthy psychological quality.For example, in the process of learning sentence pattern “What’s he doing?”, if the teacher uses several confused drawings, the pupils will carry out imagination and speak out various answers. Consequently, on one hand, the pupils may consolidate the learned knowledge; on the other hand, the teacher can complete the new words and new knowledge in time. In this way, the pupils can apply language and communicate authentically.
  It is important that we should focus our attention on pupils’ interest.It means that teachers should not comply with all tastes of pupils;instead, they should guide or enlighten them. At the same time, there are many different styles in different stages of primary English teaching. So we ought to improve it.Developing and keeping students' learning interest aims to increase their motivation, to help them lay a strong language foundation , to help them get the ability of using language and then to develop their cross-cultural consciousness, etc.All of these are the ultimate objective of English teaching in primary school .
[摘要]在教育信息化不断地发展进程中,由于我国特殊的国情,无论是在资源不足的偏远地区,还是在技术先进和设备齐全的发达城市,中小学信息技术与课程整合面临着许多尴尬的问题。资源紧张无疑将是农村偏远地区未来教育信息化的一大硬伤,但只是将足够多的计算机放在学校,将足够先进的教育理念引入课堂也并不能有效地解决问题。微软2007年推出的MultiPoint SDK技术使PPT课堂的交互得以实现。将信息技术融入
用爱和责任办教育,没有爱就没有教育,没有责任就办不好教育——    武汉市建港中学(以下简称建中)位于晴川阁下,鹦鹉洲头。学校始建于1957年, 2003年以前是一所完全中学,属武汉市三类学校。就是这所原来的三类学校,在以雷刚为校长的新一届校领导班子的带领下,经过建中全体教育同仁的不懈努力,一跃成为“武汉市示范高中”。  学校呈现出勃勃的生机与活力,招生形势喜人,心驰神往的学生人数激增。  学校卓
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案例一:  教师免不了都有中途接手新班的可能。每当接手一个新班,每当第一次面对全班学生,我总会有这样几句话:我不知道你们的过去,不知道你们是好是坏,你们每一个人在老师的心目中,都像一张白纸,每个人得到老师欣赏的机会都一样,每个人享受老师的关爱也一样,看谁在老师心中的这张白纸上留下美丽的图案。  每次说完这些话,学生们大都会睁大眼睛,静静地看着你,没有一个孩子走神,没有一个学生无所谓。从他们的专注神
[摘要]本文就STS的概念及其产生做了详细的阐述,并举例说明了STS教育实施的重要性和紧迫性。普及STS知识,增强STS意识,必须通过教育来实现,而学校教育是最直接最有效的途径。物理学本身是和自然现象、科学技术、社会生产和日常生活紧密相联系的。在物理教学中,将物理教学与科学、技术、社会相结合,使它们融为一体,从而能更好地发挥教书育人的功能。  [关键词]STS教育 物理教育 渗透 教育资源    
[Abstract]Opening English course in primary school in countryside is the necessity of social development in new century,is the final requirement of the knowledge and the economy linking international