时光的流逝,带走了那些昙花一现或过眼烟云般的美术作品,真正的艺术精品都长留在人们的记忆之中,就这样,写成了一部人类的艺术史。 今年是王式廓先生离开这个人世的第20个年头。在王式廓先生生前我没有机会见到这位大师,而在先生逝去不久的一天,我却走进了先生的住所。 记得那是为先生举行追悼会的前几天,我随中央美术学院的李骏、苏高礼二位去春雨胡同——先生的住所去悼念先生的,不大的居室里挂满了先生生前好友们送来的挽联,正对着大门是石鲁为先生写的一幅特大的挽联,《毁誉载道,巨匠留名”斗大的字,笔畅墨酣,不仅写出了先生为艺术奋斗作出了巨大贡献的一生,又写出了先生在文化革命中的痛苦遭遇。这幅挽联震动着我。同时震撼我心灵的还有陈列在住所的先生在巩县为《血衣》搜集素材而画的素描,最令我们难忘的就是这一幅《巩县老农》。这是先生逝世前两天画的一幅精品。真使人不敢相信画得如此精彩,如此有生气的画家能在两天后就离开他热爱的艺术事业而撒笔离去。廿年来,在各种美术刊物上不断看到这幅素描的发表。每次看到它,我就想起在春雨胡同的这一幕,想起石鲁的挽联,想起
The passage of time, taking away those short-lived or opaque works of art, the real art are long stay in people’s memory, thus, wrote a human history of art. This year marks the 20th year of Mr Wang’s departure from this world. I did not have the opportunity to see this great master before the birth of Mr. Wang, and I entered the residence of my husband shortly after he died. I remember that a few days before my husband’s memorial service, I went with Mr. Li Jun and Mr. Su Gaoli from the Central Academy of Fine Arts to pay tribute to Mr. Spring’s alley-Mr.’s residence, The elegiac couplee who sent us were facing the door with a large elegiac couplet written by Mr. Shi Luwei. Made a great contribution to the life, but also wrote the painful encounter Mr. in the cultural revolution.This Elena shocked me.At the same time shock my heart is also displayed in the residence of Mr. Gong for the “blood clothed” to collect material and painting Sketch, the most memorable is this one, “Gong County veteran.” This is Mr. painting two days before his death a fine. Really dare to believe that painting is so exciting, so angry artist in two After leaving the art career that he loves for a long time, he left for the past 20 years, constantly reading this sketch in various art publications, and every time I see it, I am reminded of this scene in Spring Rain Alley, Lu’s Elegy, think of it