Microchip Technology Inc.(美国微芯科技公司)日前宣布扩展其开发平台以支持旗下不断增长的具有独立于内核的外设(CIP)的创新型8位PIC®单片机(MCU)产品组合。设计人员可以组合使用这些CIP来实现多种应用功能的自主执行,同时它们也可以和越来越多的集成智能模拟外设进行互联。由于这些功能是在硬件而非软件中进行确定而可靠地执行,CIP大幅提升了系统性能,远远超越了传统的MCU产品。
Microchip Technology Inc. announced the expansion of its development platform to support its growing portfolio of innovative 8-bit PIC® microcontrollers (MCUs) with independent core peripherals (CIPs). Designers can use these CIPs in combination to enable autonomous implementation of multiple application functions, and they can also interconnect with more and more integrated intelligent analog peripherals. Because these functions are implemented reliably in hardware rather than in software, CIP dramatically improves system performance far beyond traditional MCU products.