中国青年经济学家联谊会(Young Economist Society,YES)由有志于经济学研究的青年经济学家自发组成,联谊会的目标是通过高质量的学术论文研讨促进经济学的研究、交流与合作。中国青年经济学家联谊会历届会议分别在南开大学、复旦大学、上海财经大学、浙江大学、厦门大学、中山大学、华中科技大学、暨南大学、中央财经大学等高校成功召开,在学术界产生了重要影响。在华南师范大学华南市场经济研究中心成立
The Young Economist Society (YES) is spontaneously formed by young economists interested in the study of economics and aims to promote economics research, exchange and cooperation through high-quality scholarly discourse. The previous sessions of the China Association of Young Economists were successfully held in Nankai University, Fudan University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Zhejiang University, Xiamen University, Sun Yat-sen University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Jinan University and Central University of Finance and Economics respectively. Significant influence. South China Normal University South China Market Economic Research Center was established